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Install Input Method

By default, AnduinOS uses ibus as the input method framework.

During the installation, the installer may installed an ibus input method engine for you.

For example:

  • if you choose Chinese as the default language, the installer will install ibus-libpinyin for you.
  • If you choose Japanese as the default language, the installer will install ibus-anthy for you.
  • You can also install your own ibus input method engine. For example, ibus-rime.

The dependency graph is as follows:

flowchart TD
    Aos[AnduinOS] -->|calls| Fcitx(fcitx)
    Aos[AnduinOS] -->|calls| Ibs(ibus)
    Ibs -->|calls| Pin[ibus-libpinyin]
    Ibs -->|calls| Anthy[ibus-anthy]
    Ibs -->|calls| Oth["(Other ibus input methods...)"]
    Ibs -->|calls| Rime("ibus-rime (A framework)")
    Rime -->|calls| Luna[rime-data-luna-pinyin]
    Rime -->|calls| Cangjie[rime-data-cangjie]
    Rime -->|calls| Ice[iDevel/rime-ice]
    Rime -->|calls| Arime["AnduinOS-Rime (Suggested)"]

    style Arime fill:#1b3136,stroke:#00bfa5,stroke-width:2px

How to install AnduinOS-Rime as the Chinese input method

Why doesn't AnduinOS embed Rime input method by default?

Rime is a powerful input method engine that supports multiple languages and input methods. It is widely used in China. However, Rime is not included in AnduinOS by default because not all users who use AnduinOS need Chinese input methods. Therefore, we recommend users who need Chinese input methods to install Rime manually.

If you don't prefer Rime, you can use other input methods like ibus-libpinyin.

To install AnduinOS-Rime, first, you need to install ibus-rime.

Install ibus-rime
sudo apt install ibus-rime

Log out and log back in

You need to log out and log back in to make the input method available.

Then, you can add Rime as the input method.

  1. Log in, open Settings, go to Keyboard.
  2. Click on the "+" sign under Input sources.
  3. Select Chinese (China) and then Chinese (Rime).

select rime

Or even easier, you can run the following command to add Rime as the input method.

Add Rime as the input method
dconf write /org/gnome/desktop/input-sources/mru-sources "[('xkb', 'us'), ('ibus', 'rime')]"
dconf write /org/gnome/desktop/input-sources/sources "[('xkb', 'us'), ('ibus', 'rime')]"

To install anduinos-rime, you can run the following command:

Install anduinos-rime
wget $zip -O && unzip && rm
rsync -Aavx --update --delete ./anduinos-rime-master/assets/ ~/.config/ibus/rime/
rm -rf anduinos-rime-master
ibus restart
ibus engine rime
echo "Please logout and login to start AnduinOS-Rime!"

Log out and log back in

You need to log out and log back in to make the input method available.

Now, you have set AnduinOS-Rime as your input method.


To switch between input methods, you can press Windows + Space.

You can uninstall ibus-libpinyin

It is very suggested to uninstall the ibus-libpinyin package if you are using AnduinOS-Rime.

Uninstall ibus-libpinyin
sudo apt autoremove ibus-libpinyin --purge