JetBrains Rider
JetBrains Rider is a cross-platform .NET IDE based on the IntelliJ platform and ReSharper.
To install JetBrains Rider on AnduinOS, you can run the following commands:
wget -O /tmp/rider.tar.gz $url
sudo tar -xzf /tmp/rider.tar.gz -C /opt
sudo rm /opt/rider-old-backup -rf
sudo mv /opt/rider /opt/rider-old-backup || true
sudo mv /opt/JetBrains\ Rider-2024.3.3 /opt/rider
sudo chown -R $USER:$USER /opt/rider
rm /tmp/rider.tar.gz
echo "[Desktop Entry]
Name=JetBrains Rider
Comment=Integrated Development Environment
Categories=Development;IDE;" | sudo tee /usr/share/applications/jetbrains-rider.desktop
The link above may be outdated
The link above may be outdated. Please visit the official website to get the latest version.
Unable to automatically upgrade this application
The above command only installs the launcher. If you run sudo apt upgrade
, it won't upgrade it automatically. You will need to manually rerun the above command to upgrade.
This is because the software provider didn't setup a repository for automatic updates. You will need to check the official website for updates.